George Zimmerman auctions gun he used in killing Trayvon Martin

Zimmerman stated that the proceeds of the gun auction will go into a scheme for the protection of law enforcement officers against violence.

George Zimmerman George Zimmerman gun auction

George Zimmerman, an American known for the shooting of Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, has placed the gun he used in killing Martin on auction.

Zimmerman who claimed to have acted in self defense, on Thursday, May 12, 2016, released the gun for auction on, with bidding scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM.
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In the item description on, Zimmerman described the gun as the firearm that was used to defend his life from Martin's attack.

He wrote, "Prospective bidders, I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon. The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012."
"The gun is a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm. It has recently been returned to me by the Department of Justice. The pistol currently has the case number written on it in silver permanent marker. Many have expressed interest in owning and displaying the firearm including The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. This is a piece of American History."
According to Zimmerman, the proceeds of the gun auction will be used to fight against violence against law enforcement officers and anti-firearm campaign supported by US presidential candidate, Hilary Clinton.
George Zimmerman puts gun he used to kill Treyvon Martin on sale George Zimmerman puts gun he used to kill Treyvon Martin on sale

"On this day, 5/11/2016 exactly one year after the shooting attempt to end my life by BLM sympathizer Matthew Apperson I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy's persecution career and Hillary Clinton's anti-firearm rhetoric. Now is your opportunity to own a piece of American History. Good Luck. Your friend, George M. Zimmerman ~Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum~"
Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman during an altercation with the latter, who said he thought he looked suspicious.
Trayvon was on an outing with his father, Tracy Martin, when the incident occurred.

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