The aspiring actor, aged 34, was reported to be have been suffering from suicidal depression by friends.
Saw my homie @jaybowdy take his own life on FB Live ystdy. Suicidal depression is a REAL thing. #JayBowdy #PrepperFilm #SuicideAwareness
Although, the method in which the San Antonio, Texas, native committed suicide has not been revealed.
Friend Ruth Lyn penned an open letter to the dead star.
It reads, "I'm sitting here looking through our last text messages and trying to figure out where I went wrong, what I missed, what I could have done differently to have been there for you in your time of need," she wrote. "I feel like I have failed you as a friend and for that, I am truly sorry."
Bowdy has appeared in a couple of films and television shows. He had his first child at 18, got married when he was 25, earned his Master's degree and was the first to earn a college degree on his father's side of his family.
He and his wife have four children together, in addition to his two from a previous relationship.