“The two we are making recommendations on are Falcon and Bundu,”
Lindiwe Mekwe told Reuters after government said they expected
exploration to start in the next financial year.
windmill pumps water from a borehole near Graaf Reinet in the Karoo
October 11, 2013.
South Africa's Petroleum Agency expects
to make its recommendations on the first two of five shale gas
exploration license applications by early May, the acting chief
executive said on Tuesday.
“The two we are making recommendations on are Falcon and Bundu,” Lindiwe Mekwe told Reuters after government said they expected exploration to start in the next financial year.
regulator is also considering applications from Shell and two other
companies, Mekwe said. Once recommendations have been made it will be
down to the minister of mineral resources to make a final decision on
granting licenses.
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